29 September 2001: anti-war protests = hitler.

friend of eggstone2000: umm, dude...
Auto response from eggstone2000: i never thought friend of eggstone2000 would be a junkie because heroin is so pass�
friend of eggstone2000: take my thing off your diaryland! :(
friend of eggstone2000: the quote thing!
friend of eggstone2000: ;(
eggstone2000: you woke me up for this?
friend of eggstone2000: aw!
eggstone2000: *goes back to bed*
friend of eggstone2000: i didn't mean to wake you up. sorry. :(
friend of eggstone2000: this push kings song. mumbleboy did the video for it though.
eggstone2000: um... no comment. maybe if ebm designed something for the push kings, then i would really love them. :)
friend of eggstone2000: haha. shut up!

mybabymomma: i only give the people i like my "real" addresses. others, we just send them to the hard rock cafe.
eggstone2000: lol. hey remember that time you guys sent me over there, because you didn't like me yet? that was soooooo funny!
mybabymomma: haha! you were so gullible then.

eggstone2000: first it's "stop saying you love ebm, etc etc :(" and now they send me to the hard rock cafe because they don't want me to know where they live. i swear, my friends = hitler!! i'm so persecuted.
zoesplayhouse: hahaha. yeah hitler was always sending his friends to the hard rock cafe instead of his house.

eggstone2000: 'ey dude!
whiteschmao: you coming to the partay?
eggstone2000: yes i think so.
whiteschmao: dope!!!
eggstone2000: hey, can i ask you something?
whiteschmao: yes of course.
eggstone2000: wanna get married? i figured, you like o pamela and vodka, so why not.
whiteschmao: dude.
whiteschmao: ok.
whiteschmao: hahaha.
eggstone2000: what?
eggstone2000: oh.
whiteschmao: damn i thought it was gonna be something serious!
eggstone2000: um
whiteschmao: wait are you serious?
eggstone2000: gah!
eggstone2000: sheesh.
whiteschmao: hmm....... well bring me a kick-ass rock to the partay 2nite, and maybe i will. :)
eggstone2000: i was just thinking you'd say no, and then i'd say "ok since you broke my heart, how about buying me this hat as consolation. :("
whiteschmao: haha that is a rad hat. how much is it?
eggstone2000: hmm. something like $15.
whiteschmao: dude i'll buy it for you!
eggstone2000: aw! i will have to buy this, to go along with it.
whiteschmao: you would look supa-supreme-o in that hat. haha ok.
eggstone2000: rad!!! :)
whiteschmao: :D
eggstone2000: :D
eggstone2000: thanks. *cries*


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