25 January 2003: why the words were never worth the wait.

i decide to give diabolik another try.  the uber-maude dance club.  but i'm only there for fifteen minutes before i'm reminded of how direly mod is in need of euthanizing.  by euthanasia, i mean something like ripping its throat out with a set of plastic vampire fangs, and then urinating on it.

then to eagle tavern, a homosexual biker bar.  a "just in case" stop, as some pals mentioned going there.  it's sorta leathery, but at least it isn't an "i look more british than you" contest.  and they've got the good taste to have a gang of four cd playing.

by the end of the night, i've had to go to three different places before i realize that i should've just gone to arrow, to start with.  it's just scuzzy enough, small enough, crowded enough, dressed-up enough, drunk enough, etc that i can settle in comfortably for a few hours.

god hates club hoppers.


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