16 May 2002: always on time.

eventually it became clear that there was nothing any corporation, church, army, or nation could do to stop the steamroller momentum of soccer hooliganism.� one by one, all institutions crumbled and the planet became one enormous post-apocalyptic wasteland riot, ruled by hooligan warlords.� would-be "mad max" style heroes were executed at posh spice's umbro dome.� in fact the only pocket of civilization that went unscathed by the reign of terror was the vibrant colony on the moon.� the moon colony had grown self-sufficient.� people were born on the moon, lived their entire lives on the moon, and died on the moon.� it was a haven.

that is to say, until a soccer riot that began in miami ended up in cape canaveral.� it was only a matter of time before the riot spilled over into the launch complex, then into the spaceships, then into the cockpits.� and a soccer riot was launched directly at the moon.

the plague sprouted wings and flew.


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