27 August 2002: as fuck as fuck.

on saturday i went to geo's haus, to see the band he and lpk play in. it was a punk rock barbecue and it was hardcore as fuck. like guys from the band rolling in the dirt and convulsing in geo's yard hardcore as fuck. there were also these little kids from the neighborhood that were threatening people and taking over the mic while the bands were playing. how hardcore were the kids? hardcore as fuck. leslie and her friend lisamac showed up just in time to see all the hardcore as fuckness go down. we took some pictures, geo took some really cool double exposures on a polaroid i-zone, and it was all pretty fun. cc told me she wanted us to get matching tattoos with skulls & crossbones on fire with aces of spades and junk (the basic concept is that these tattoos are rockabilly as fuck). seeing as how our names rhyme and all. lpk and i hung out for a bit at cc's haus, afterwards.

then i went over to the warehouse where i thought death rock booty call was supposed to happen, but it turns out that it's next saturday. instead, it was this uber-mod thing, with girls in white boots and boys dancing like james brown. it was so colorful and surreal, but also as morbid as fuck. a totally dead culture that needed to have its pulse checked, because it sure smelled like simulation to me. wacky replicantz. i didn't expect to see anyone i know, because it was totally the wrong weekend, but then fishnets jenny and her friend showed up. then some more people showed up, just when the mean as fuck bouncer in a trenchcoat was kicking everyone out.

we decided to go to this party in the mission district, but we were only there for a few minutes before this angry as fuck roommate flipped out and demanded that everyone leave. on a saturday night! "huh? is she new?? she doesn't know she lives in a party house?" i decided to call it a night, and andrea addressed me as "hon'..." (you know? honey?). basically one of the last words i'd ever expect her to utter.

today i went to amoeba on haight for the first time in months, and who nearly gives me a cardiac arrest by yelling at me from behind? leslie leslie leslie. i made her buy !!! and a st. christopher record, because i am just as thoughtful as fuck. did i mention leslie is visiting from washington DC? that's why i'm making a big deal.

p.s. i watched amelie. it's beautiful as fuck. the new gold chains record is also good... it's hip-hop as fuck.


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