30 October 2001: in summary...

eggstone2000: attention deficit disorder should henceforth be referred to as "multitasking."
friend of eggstone2000: sure. that's why the a.d.d. kids i test have to spin around the room while they're doing the tests.
eggstone2000: yeah. they're totally doing multiple tasks! task A: spin. task B: take test.

i bet you're thinking, "well, all the jokes and funny-funnies and booty song lyrics are fine and well, but like where are the updates on what's actually happening in the life of the stone of 2000 eggs?"� well, let me tell you, it has been an exciting couple of weeks, for sure.� i went to see p.quest's final show at the lunchbox haus.� that was pretty fun.� one of my teeth started aching something awful (it later turned out to be a gum infection), so i was taking mass tylenol and anesthetic gel.� then i went to see quasi, and the band was pretty good, but the audience was a total geek explosion.� remember that archers of loaf show back in 1995 where a time warp suddenly opened and swallowed the whole audience?� well it finally spit them back out, at the quasi show.� chain wallets and dirty thrift store t-shirts in full effect, yo.� alicia from the a.set tried to talk to me at quasi, but i was totally not in the mood.� "ow.� tooth."� then i went to the dentist and got prescribed some antibiotics, which fucked the pain away.� then i went to see fugu open for stereolab.� fugu fugu fugu fugu fugu fugu FUGU!!!!�� *gush*� i want them to fugu me again.� omg.

the morning after fugu, i woke up bright & early in the morning and went to the surgeon's office and they gave me an intravenous anesthetic so i'd be completely knocked out while they pulled all four of my wisdom teeth out, including this bad boy that was completely horizontal.� fun.� they prescribed me a whole bottle of pain killers but i only took one because it didn't hurt that much.� i'm saving the rest for, like, parties or whatev.� i decided not to write about it till now, because at the time i was all suicidal.� so i thought i'd spare you the whining.� and now i'm eating solid again!� so that's pretty fierce.

then friday night was a karaoke party!!� w00t.� it was ed & jill, their record producer friend john, laura watling, maria, seo hui, min, victor, niki & leon.� it was mass fun and everyone had a gay old time singin'.� also, calypso aardvark was supposedly in the haus.

don't fuck us,
we'll fuck you!!


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