21 May 2005: monny and darie? kack and jelly.

i was going to write some ramble touching upon such red hot topics as who the hell are some gastineau girls and like why is anyone supposed to care whether some middled-aged ex-wife of some ex-football player ever finds some other dude to buy her some stuff, how did the princess of iran get a tv show when iran doesn't have a princess, wait a minute that's not even jerry o'connell these wimminz are actually flipping their lids trying to marry his brother who just sort of looks like him you gotta be kidding me, and some made-up crack like orca + caffeine = orcaffeine or mutual of omaha's wild blingdom.

but yeah who cares.  instead i will just tell you that i have been listening to um the latest two of montreal albums called satanic panic and sunlandic twins, and they are both really good and you were prolly expecting more of the same we all live in a yellow submarine skiffle but they changed things up a little and it's pretty good how they did that.


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