05 September 2004: worst beatle ever: paul mccartney.

there's a hole where your killer instinct used to be.  a midnight blue school uniform.  your penis is so crooked, it tried to sell me the london bridge.  how about paying for my spectacle frames that you bopped your fugsley face into?  miracle pill makes shit smell like potpourri: "the medical industry has finally done something that benefits all of humanity, and not just those whiners who have stupid diseases with names that most of us can't even pronounce," says man on the street.  aside from all of the "mormon this, crooked penis that" google referral stuff that always turns up in the hit counter, i have noticed that people sometimes come looking for words about sexy prison, so maybe i should actually say something about them: sexy prison is a band, a band that is good, and their album is named after an eddie murphy joke about italians.  happy now, moolies?  spider circles ant, again and again, as if riding a roundabout.

oh yeah.  the night of the sexy prison show, a friend of mine and a friend of his went to the park.  the friend peed in some people's yard.  the friend's friend who asked me if i was a painter because "you look like a painter" asked me to use her video camera to record them on the swings in the park.  then she was happy with the way the video turned out and said thanks.  just saying.  in case i keep giving the impression on my diaryland that i've turned into a crazy angry die die die doom doom doom faggo.  i actually can still socialize like a normal person sort of?


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