05 January 2006: reverse piledriver in the back seat of a car.

eggstone2000: actually? if i was a chick, i'd prolly just have sex with dudes for money.
friend of eggstone2000: you can do that as a guy you know. with either sex. go for it!
eggstone2000: chicks don't buy sex. they don't want it as much as men do. that's basically how that whole supply/demand thing works.
friend of eggstone2000: they do buy it but you wouldn't wanna wait till you got too much older. you'd have to start now. they most certainly do buy it. just not in the numbers men do. and in a different way. behind closed doors.
eggstone2000: yeah see? THUS. if they don't buy it as much, there's not as much demand for it.
friend of eggstone2000: but they do buy repeatedly! if you're good.
eggstone2000: and thus. it's not worth as much. and thus. i wouldn't be able to afford to buy all kinds of ipods and videogames and stuff.
friend of eggstone2000: well, i mean, are you trying to shag ALL women in the market for sex? or just build up a reliable clientele of frustrated yuppie chix with lotsa disposable income?
eggstone2000: i'm not TRYING to do anything! i'm trying to do as little as possible in exchange for the largest amount of $$$$.
friend of eggstone2000: oh. i think you have to do a little more than that. hence the problem with prostitution. it's still work.
eggstone2000: also? i'm not trying to shag all the wimming in the market for sex. 'cause there's only like three of them in the whole world. somebody's prolly already got that market cornered. if i was a chick though, i'd definitely do all of the dudes. for $$$$.
friend of eggstone2000: what would be the point of $$$$ if you had no time to spend it and also couldn't walk?
eggstone2000: okay not ALL of them! just most of them.
friend of eggstone2000: as i pointed out earlier, you still can as a bloke!
eggstone2000: yeah but there's no money in it. trying to get chicks to buy sex? would be kind of like trying to get the japanese to buy american cars.
friend of eggstone2000: there's money in a bloke having sex with men. why do you think there ain't? you'd also probably be dressed nicely for free!
eggstone2000: oh fuck off. that's just gay.


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