28 May 2002: a machine will never have to feel.

i have trouble distinguishing one day from the next.� i used to be really good at just knowing what day of the week it is, but not anymore.� i have to check the calendar a lot.� not much changes from day to day except for the amount of stuff i own, as i try to sell as many things off as i can.� and the pile of empty bottles and cigarette butts is growing... but that's okay because garbage day is, um, hold on... i gotta check the calendar.

i no longer aspire to be a marine biologist.� sometimes i think it would be nice to be employed as a professional killer.� it seems very simple, emotionless, and systematic.� i have good hand-to-eye coordination and i can walk lightly & be meticulous about the little details.� i would probably need to do some push-ups and take up jogging, take a correspondence course in murder, and practice things like shooting, strangulation and cleaning up evidence.

but what else am i doing in the meantime?� going to yet another indie show and hanging out with people i got bored of a long time ago?� i don't have any interest in measuring my words carefully anymore, just in case anybody decides it's worth repeating to all the wrong people.� killers don't talk, and neither do the people they work with.

die, human.


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