01 January 2004: seagulls dare.

a coupla nights ago, i went to the bookstore at 9pm 'cause that's one of the things i do when i'm restless and get the urge to walk around and look at stuff just for the sake of walking around and looking at stuff.  which is often.  so i'm standing outside the barnes & noble, just about to go in, when this girl stops and stares at me.  i think, "whaaaaaat?!!  oh crap."  she knows me, i actually remember her pretty well when she tells me who she is, we were pals for a while, and i remember hurting her feelings (i think) pretty badly... back in high school.  so i haven't even seen her since i was 18, and i'm like "why is this person talking to me?!?!?  ugh#@#*(FJSK26873DF$fs;k"  she says i look the same as i did in high school.  "yeah i've tried not to age a whole lot."  she takes a hint after a few minutes, and says "okay, i'll leave you alone now..."  horrific.  there are a lot of things i try not to remember.  it's a whole pattern.  but then i got a CHEESE DOUGHNUT, so it's aaaaaalllll good now.

oh yeah.  last week a pal had a birthday at a karaoke bar.  i sang "watching the detectives" and "love is the drug."  i don't remember what anyone else sang.  i was sleepy the whole time, though.

vocab lesson for today: JIZZICAL, MILFIN', MILFEROCIOUS, ROCKFAHRT.  learn 'em.  use 'em.


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