20 May 2003: my body's not a temple, it's a laboratory.



OKAY. sheesh. slow your roll, homey. party at friends' house in davis. that ruled. there was lots of drinking, smoking, acronym-yelling ("DYS!! SSD!!"??? i don't even know what that means, but i was yelling it?!), a couple of really good bands i'd never even heard of, and this girl kept going on and on about how she wants to kill all of the babies. it was like being in college. a night at the li po lounge, which used to be good, but now it blows. and a night at the ruby room, which always blew, and still blows. i skipped adult and magas, even tho i had a ticket? yeah, i blow. o man, and a.r.e. weapons?! awesome album... it sounds like suicide with bad rapping... but i went to see them perform at a club and guess what: they fukken blew. plus i have now finally seen enough skunk hair-do's to last a lifetime. this morning i woke up bright and early and went to the courthouse in vallejo (vuh-LAY-ho) for jury duty, which would have ruled if it turned out to be like that pauly shore movie and ended up being an extended trial for which i'd get paid fifteen smackers a day, but the judge dismissed the trial at the last minute so it blew.

intarweb rodeo!! any idiot can do it and so can i!! click here and listen to this shit i selected. even if you are too kool to listen to fisharschpunar, my selectar shkillz will prolly rock you in the ass, anyway. crung krokk kray dio!! werewolf thundar 80,000 volts!! click it. i'm going to the mall now. HO.


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