04 August 2002: buckaroo crunk: you've got to be willing.

"i went to a fun party. I partied with the finest. I believe i was drunk on coke classic."

i picked myself up, dusted myself off, and tried again.� went shopping for jackets, but came back with two pairs of shoes and a belt instead.� then over to hellyn's for the sample sale.� it was nice to be one of the only people with a t-shirt on.� it was fun.� when lloyd's champagne ran out, we went to buy more.� we practiced a bit of dodgeball because --crazy guy that he is-- he brought his ball along.� looked at clothes, danced, and met gold chains.� i wasn't sure that it really was him, but i spoke with authority: "hey!� whose headphones are large and whose sneakers are in charge?� it's THIS guy!� *points confidently*"� he seemed flattered.� i was relieved to learn that i was right and that he's palz with my palz.� i hadn't just been wrrrking some random buster.

sarah managed to swing by at the very end, though she'd only finished wrrrk at midnight.� chris the idm guy showed up, too, with obscurely named scotch.� "sweeeeeeeeet."� i excitedly pointed out to sarah the picture/sculpture hellyn had made, with all the words to "o pamela" on it: "does hellyn know about o pamela and us?� is she psychic?� or is she just awesome?"� we took pictures, and mostly i just made rude gestures and pointed at people's crotches, whenever the pics involved me.� chris decided that we needed cigarettes.� i suggested "let's go visit the gracious hostess.� she may have some."� of course that was problematic for him.� "alright, then stand back a little and i'll get hold of cigarettes."� she only had one left, and she gave it to me. i offered her a peck on the cheek, to which she replied by turning her mouth to mine. she informed chris that she still hates him for the time that he yelled at her, in her own home.

dinner at sparky's.� chris and i sang falsetto along to the magnetic fields' "candy" in the back of hellyn's car. everyone seemed fairly crunk.� but by the time our food had come, we all wanted to fully throttle chris for being so "unnaturally moody."� a brief drive out to the lovely sunset district, then back to hellyn's at 6am.� a dude promptly told me i'd stepped in post-party sidewalk barf.� it would've been nicer if he'd warned me before i stepped in it.


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