22 November 2004: who let the cunk out?

one of these days i am going to get a social life again and be all friendly instead of watching old science fiction shows where everyone has like three turtlenecks and five nehru jackets on, yelling at cyber-pals on AIM about hollywood like "j-lo hewitt or cameron diaz is way hott" and "fuckabuncha kevin smith or gwyneth paltrow classical beauty my ASS," making up words like chocolodyte: a troglodyte made of chocolate, and watching the clock for when's an acceptably healthy time to suck down another clove because i don't want to chain them. i have so much anger!! sorry, did i say anger? 'cause. i meant amber. petrified tree sap. i have so much amber!! i wanna adopt a third world orphan and name it EA Sports.

eggstone2000: i made up the coolest name ever, for a french punk rockeur.
friend of eggstone2000: What is it?
eggstone2000: HENRI ENNUI.
friend of eggstone2000: That's great!
eggstone2000: but then i googled it, and somebody already thought of it. GRRR!!!
friend of eggstone2000: That's the story of my life. Like the other day I had the perfect opportunity to impress my jewish superiors here at work by refering to Dr. Dre as Dr. Dreidel, but I thought of it a day late.
eggstone2000: it would be the story of my life, but then i'd google the story of my life and find out someone else already wrote it.

title for a french rap song: "Beaucoup Bitches On My Jacques"


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