23 September 2001: feel the healing energy of the well-executed high five!

everything old is new tonight
everyone young is blue tonight
everything we do tonight
is wrong, wrong, wrong

i want to find the queen of the danube.� just because it sounds like a really cool thing to do.� or even to just see the danube.� and the rhine.� and the rhone.� the elbe, the volga, the nile, maybe the thames but that's pretty far down on the list.� anyway... to see the rivers.� and to beat otto von bismark in a duel.� that sounds like it would be really awesome, too.� *HIGH FIVE*

me: "i'm never going to make another mix tape ever again."
jeanne d'arc haircut: "will you make me a mix tape?"
me: "ok, yes."


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